My Regular School Routine !

Today I am going to write about my school routine.

I study at Tanjong Katong Primary School or TKPS. Did you know I had been in TKPS for 3 years and now I am in Primary 4Charity and I have been to 1Charity, 2Charity and even 3Charity. This year I have 41 classmates. This year I have to learn English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health Education, Physical Education, Mother Tongue and art.


let me start the week with Monday. On Mondays I study Math, English, Science, Social Studies and Mother Tongue. In English we learned how to describe the important parts of a place. For Science we learned how to tell if some thing is matter. Than we learned the ancient Singapore called Temasek for Social Studies. After Social Studies. Lastly we did Mother Tongue where I leaned to speak Chinese.

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