My Flights to Karachi

Good morning today I am going to write about my flight and lounge experience to Karachi,Pakistan. “Ring,Ring, My bell ringed to wake me up.” Once I woke up I went to the toilet brushed my teeth, combed my hair and finally got ready to go to the Changi Airport in Singapore. I did not even know to there will be a grab available

 at 5 am. So we took a grab share and went to the airport. When we reached the airport we unloaded our bags from the car and kept it onto the trolley. After we loaded the bags, we quickly rushed to our check-in to the scoot airways to Bangkok.Which was at the basement of the airport.

Once we got to the Bangkok airport, we checked out from scoot and loaded our bags onto the Thai Airways Flight which was for 5 hours. While we were waiting for our airplane we went into the Dbs/Miracle lounge where we relaxed. In the lounge there were showers in the toilets there was a ice cream freezer, a drinks cooler, food like Nasi lemak, Chicken Rice and much more. When we got onto our flight I straight away went to my seat and started play the mini tv that they provided behind each seat. After I got board I started watching movies.

When we arrived at our destination it was 5 O’Clock that means 8p.m in Singapore. We checked out from the check out center and went to fetch our bags. Since I checked out first I got the heavy bags and kept it on the trolley, we then took a shuttle service to mu uncles house and now I am staying there.

The End

                                     Thank you for reading this blog post I hope you read more of my posts like The Kangkong!

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