The Colosseum





Good morning everyone.Today I am going to write about The Colosseum of Italy because I am actually in Rome!. This Colosseum was actually built by ten thousand Roman slaves by stone and concrete. This Colosseum was actually built between 72 AD and 80 AD(after Christ/ anno Donimi) by the Emperor Vespasian. The Colosseum is a amphitheater which means theater in the round. Did you know that the Colosseum is the largest amphitheater in the world.
Now I am going to write about the famous games in the amphitheater.

  1. Spiculus: Spiculus, another renowned gladiator of the First Century AD, enjoyed a close relationship with the evil Emperor Nero. Nero awarded him with palaces by Spiculus.
  2. Tetraites: This gladiator was originally discovered through graffiti found in 1817. This gladiator fought in style. He wielded a sword, a rectangle shield, a helmet, arm guards, and shin guards.
  3. Crixus : This gladiator is a Gallic gladiator. He is also the leader of the gladiator school. After escaping the gladiator school, he helped to fight in a slaves to help him defeat large armies by the roman.
  4. Spartacus: This gladiator was actually a Thracian soldier who had been captured and sold to become a slave. Lentulus Batiatus recognized him and he purchased him with then turning him into a gladiator.

That is some of the battles that I researched online.

Now  I am going to write about why the Colosseum is broken.  The Colosseum is broken  because of natural disasters like, earthquakes, Fire. There have also been people throughout the ages who have broken away pieces.
In the olden times the gladiators events that emperor makes sometimes has no entry fee an they give food like fruit for free. the tickets is made out of clay and the Colosseum has numbers on every gate and each ticket has the gate number that they have to go to see the gladiator battle and when there is no battle the Colosseum it is actually a meeting place to make friends or to buy stuff  just like a mall. But now it is museum. Did you know that people have waited their whole life just to get a ticket to see a gladiator battle. Did you know that in the place where there are gladiator battles, there is thirty-two trap doors and under the battle ground it is a back stage.

Thank you for reading this post please read more of my posts like Florence!

Thank you and Bye!

here are some photos.


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