Codename CURE

Good morning every one, today I am going to write about Codename Cure. This game if free to play and it is available on mac and windows platforms at . This game is a CO-op and a multiplayer game. It is also a action, horror and survival game.

The controls:

  • W = Forward
  • A = Left
  • S = Backward
  • D = Right
  • Right click = Shoot
  • Q = On Flash Light
  • R = Reload
  • Space = Jump
  • Mouse = look around
  • Shift = run

Recommended computer space

Windows =  2gb Ram and 4gb Hard Drive space

Mac = 2gb Ram and 4gb Hard Drive space also


  • Bunker
  • Cityblock
  • flatline
  • office
  • trainstation
  • minetown
  • street war
  • forest
  • house
  • neighbourhood.


  • Casual
  • Average
  • Skilled
  • Insane

Server modes

  • Internet
  • Local
  • Singleplayer

The Characters and their guns

  • Pointman = Big gun: M4 Super 90 Pistol: Dual infinities
  • Assault =  Big gun: IMI Galil Pistol: CZ 75 Grenades: HE Grenades
  • Support =  Big gun: MP5K Pistol: USP Match and Supply chest
  • Technician =Mossberg 590 Pistol: USP Match and sentry gun
  • Sniper =  Big gun: PSG1 Pistol: FN Fast server  Grenades: molotov

This is all I know about Codename CURE. But if you want you can watch me play at

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Top 13 Facts about Paris

Paris is a city in France it is the capital of France and also one of the largest and most visited cities in Europe.

13 Facts about Paris

  • It is called the City of Lights
    • This is because the
  • About 2.15 million people live in Paris
  • Paris was founded by Romans in the third century BC and was called Lutetia
  • The English controlled Paris during 1420 to 1437
  • Paris is the main hub of the TGV – the high speed trains all across Europe
  • Paris has gone through French Revolution, World War 1 and Word War 2
  • There are more than 38 other cities named Paris in other countries such as United States to Sweden
  • There are about 1,803 monuments and 173 museums in Paris – Plenty of things to do 🙂
  • There was only one stop sign in paris until 2012 when the sign was removed.
  • The Highest building in paris is 300m and it is of course the Eiffel Tower
  • There are five Statues of Liberty in Paris
  • Paris houses the world’s most famous painting – the Mona Lisa
  • The Most visited monument in Paris is not the Eiffel Tower but actually the Notre Dame Cathedral


Some of the places I visited, while in Paris, are listed below. Please do click on them to read more about the places and what I have seen there.

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My visit to the Palace of Versailles

Good Morning, today I will be writing about The Palace of Versailles. Here are some facts before I go on.

  • The Hall of Mirrors contains about 367 glass Items
  • the Palace of Versailles was built by Louis XIII in 1623
  • All the materials in this palace was made in France
  • The gardens in versailles had 400 sculptures, 1,400 fountains and is covered more than 30,000 acres.


Now it is my experience. Once we reached the train stop for versailles we exited the train and went in line to again enter the security for the palace and then bought tickets to enter and once we entered we first relaxed at the waiting room for the guided tour that was like an private one as no one entered it and during this tour we got to the cathedral that was inside the cathedral and some of the areas were where the public cannot even enter!and the tour guide left us at the opera where there was going to be a show as people were preparing! and after the tour we scrolled around for about half an hour in the garden and then relaxed.

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My Visit to the Lourve

good morning everyone today I a going to write about The Louvre. Here are a few facts before I go on

  • The Louvre is also more famous than the Eiffel tower at 9.3 million visitors per year
  • It is one of the largest museums in the world
  • You cannot finish the Louvre in one day, it may take more than 3 months to finish it.
  • The Louvre cover is shaped as a pyramid
  • The Louvre cover was built in 1989 and is made of glass and metal
  • The second Louvre is called Louvre Abu Dhabi and it was established at 2017

Now it is my experience of the Louvre

After the train ride to the louvre we waited in line for more than a hour and finally we got our tickets to enter the museum and when we entered the first thing we did is rushed to the Mona Lisa and then to the Islamic art as those were the main two sights for us and then we walked around for around one hour just looking at the other marvellous art that the artists have made and then we exited the museum and then relaxed.

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Our visit to Notre Dame





The famous twin tower in Paris beating even the Eiffel Tower with one of the most religious items, The Crown of Thorns of Jesus Christ with one of its thorns hidden in one of the bell towers! Here are some facts before I go on to my experience:

  • It has the crown of thorns
  • It has one of the thorns from the crown of thorns
  • The heaviest and largest bell in Notre Dame is known as the Emmanuel Bell and weighs about 28000 tons.
  • It was designed in Gothic Fashion
  • It was built between 1163 to 1345
  • The Notre Dame is one of the biggest churches in the world
  • It is still a functioning catholic church
  • It attracts about 13 million visitors every year
  • It is even more popular than the Eiffel Tower
  • The Notre dame is also named Notre dame de Paris ( Our lady of paris )

So, it was about nine o’clock in the morning when we got ready and left for the train to the station near Note Dame and walked towards the church. After standing in the queue for almost an hour we finally got to enter the church. The admission to Notre Dame is free but to climb up the tower there will be a fee of €8.50 and the crypt for €6.

We were supposed to join a free english guided tour of the church but we were told that the tour has started and the group might be outside. So we had to go out of the church and look for her. Sadly we could not find her and had to  ! Luckily the queue was shorter that time so we didn’t have to stand for long. When we got inside again and we found he english tour. After the english tour we scrolled around and saw a replica of the crown of thorns and also a replica of the Notre dame itself.

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