My visit to the Palace of Versailles

Good Morning, today I will be writing about The Palace of Versailles. Here are some facts before I go on.

  • The Hall of Mirrors contains about 367 glass Items
  • the Palace of Versailles was built by Louis XIII in 1623
  • All the materials in this palace was made in France
  • The gardens in versailles had 400 sculptures, 1,400 fountains and is covered more than 30,000 acres.


Now it is my experience. Once we reached the train stop for versailles we exited the train and went in line to again enter the security for the palace and then bought tickets to enter and once we entered we first relaxed at the waiting room for the guided tour that was like an private one as no one entered it and during this tour we got to the cathedral that was inside the cathedral and some of the areas were where the public cannot even enter!and the tour guide left us at the opera where there was going to be a show as people were preparing! and after the tour we scrolled around for about half an hour in the garden and then relaxed.

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