Plaza de España

Plaza de España is an attraction site located in Seville. The address of this tourist site is at : Av de Isabel la Católica, 41004 Sevilla, Spain. The website of this attraction is at  if you want more information you can go to this website. I will now let you read my story.

While we were in Seville, we were using a rental car to get around. When we reached Plaza de España, the free parking lots were limited so my mother had to go around in circles so that we could find a free parking lot. We eventually found a free lot very far away from Plaza de España and had to walk there. Unless your family has 7 people or more, I recommend you to use the public transport. It will be cheaper and more convenient if your group is small.

When I reached Plaza de España, the view that I had was stunning. There were ducks swimming inside a manmade pond which was made in the shape of a horseshoe. There many horse carriages parked waiting for visitors to bring around the Plaza and the vicinities.

While we were touring the Plaza, it started to rain which made us stuck! While it was raining, my father was telling us about the history of portable music players.

After the rain stopped, my father rented two canoes our family for 45 minutes. My grandmother, father, sister and I were in the first canoe while my mother, brother, grandfather were in a second canoe. The time was insufficient to go around the pond. Therefore, once we were half way we had to turn back. We had a race on who could reach the start point first. The race ended as a tie!

After we got out, we went around the Plaza again but this time, it was on the ground level. On the ground level there were some beautiful tile work depicting the cities of Spain.

Plaza de España is definitely a sight that you should visit.

hope you can go there!!

and that is everything I remember about that visit!

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have a nice day!

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