
Last year during December, a city in China, Wuhan started reporting the world with cases of an unknown virus. Many people are saying that it has originated in a wet market at Wuhan. Because of this virus, many countries in the world has been on lockdown, because of this, many people are living off from paycheck to paycheck. This virus has impacted the whole world, by already infecting 3 million people with 1/4 of a million people dead. The top 3 countries that are infected are:

  • United States(1 million cases++)
  • Spain ( 213 thousand cases++)
  • Italy (202 thousand cases ++)

Although there are many places that have been infected.

During this period of time, one benefit that has happened is the decrease of pollution and because of that, people living in China can now look at the blue skies after a long time! Argentina, a country opposite China on the globe, has not been hit hard with the virus with only 4,272 cases++ over there!

People like me who is “married” to soccer since I like the game so much, cannot go out and play because the fields are closed and because of this, I am stuck at home passing he ball to the wall and doing some indoor exercises! But since I also like to play video games, people who like to play are taking advantage of their free time to play their favorite video game!

In Singapore, The Government is also pleased with us fellow Singaporeans who try to stay at home as long as possible! We cannot be proud with what we have accomplished in getting rid of the virus as the virus is still popular with the world. Right now we cannot repent of our wrongdoings but instead let’s all rejoice and stay at home to kill the virus until we are satisfied with the end results!

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Apple is one of the worlds biggest company, it make laptops, phones, tablets earphones and other accessories. With the exception to having low specs, many people still rush to the store to buy a new product every year. They also never fail in amazing their customers with new products and designs every year .Although they are indifferent to many other phone company’s many people still opt for apple. What they sell is full of overpriced items, but because of how easy it is to use, many people never fail to get in line every year just to get the latest IPhone !  If you already own another one and want to get rid of it for a newer model, you can simply just go to anyone of their stores worldwide and do an exchange for the newer model, although it may cost you a little bit more money, in the end, you will still be getting what you want! In 2019 alone apple has made a total of $260 billion dollars alone.

Recently, they have made one of the worlds most popular items and that is Air pods. Nearly everyone has it but many people still insist on getting another one just in case or maybe even the newer version. The 1st generation model alone with a case costs S$200++ and people still insist on getting another one.

They are good at making people want the newer models because of the number of ads they have whenever there i going to be a new product. When the IPhone 11 came out, there were more than 10 ads a day for the product! I’m glad that none of my family members own the product as it will waste a lot of money! Although I am a little bit jealous of my friends that have the products I am not interested in buying it!


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The Coloring Competition by Prudential and Strait Times

During this period of time, I sure that everyone will die of boredom so Strait Times and Prudential have organised a coloring competition that consists of coloring pages that are on the back of the Strait Times newspaper page. It is composed of portrait of a scene or a scene covered with doodles, those are the two color pages that have come up so far! One thing in this competition that is different from other competitions is that you do not have to conform to any rules! One thing you will need to depend on is your choice of colors! The competition is divided into 7 parts and each part is like a day which means there will be a drawing everyday. There will be 5 winners that will win a total of $5000 each and I have no doubt of winning this competition!

Although I was deprived from playing football, at first I was a little bit disappointed in not being able to play,  after a few days, I had built up my confidence to play behind my house since my other two footballs have been lost over there. Some other ways to cure your boredom is by:

  • Trying something new
  • Finish a video game
  • Finish a whole season of a show

Those are just some ideas if you want you can just google it up!

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What’s Home Based Learning like for a child in Singapore (written by a child) !

Home Based Learning

Because of the current COVID-19 situation, Singapore has decided to start taking further actions by going online for a month, meaning that many businesses, schools and locations are closed for the time being and work and school will now be done at home. This action has been done by government to aim at tackling the virus. There is also nothing to boast about since many other countries are already doing this !

Since I have to do Home Based Learning, in this post I will be sharing with you my experiences that I have had since it has started two days ago. Because I have been to Europe for 6 months, I have already had some experiences with Home Based Learning but the system over there and at home is completely different! Over there I was given worksheets to do while over here I had to go online and have my classes! But over the days that it has been going on, I think that it is easier as time goes by since you are using it every day, you will get more used to it and things that you will have to do next time will be easier.

How I feel about it

I feel that the circuit-breaker period that is currently ongoing is like a practice for us Singaporeans because if it will tell us whether we are prepared for a lock-down in Singapore. I also feel a bit sad since I wont be able to meet up with my friends or even play soccer at the field nearby but on the bright side, I will be able to play m computer games at home since I have nothing else to do!

How I do it?

Usually on a normal school day online, I would wake up at 7 a.m. and do my morning routine of changing my clothes, brushing my teeth, checking my messages and eating my breakfast until 7:45 a.m. From 7:45 a.m. to 8:05 a.m I will be log on to my computer and go on a online face to face with my teacher. (But since Zoom has been banned for now I will just have to message my teacher using the Remind app) After 8:05 a.m. my lessons will start appearing according to the time slots on my timetable and if my teacher wants to, she a can arrange a live Zoom session with the class. During this period of time, I an so absorbed in my work that I would even lose track of the time! As the the days go by I also become more anxious about seeing my friends and teachers after a long period of time.

Benefits and Downsides

A few of the benefits that I have had because of this Home Based Learning Situation is that I get to

  • Wake up later
  • Classes are shorter since the assigned work is is usually a lot shorter than normal classes
  • Save time by not have to go to school by bus

But there are also some downsides

  • When school reopens, I will be afraid of being accustomed to waking up later and so it will be harder to wake up earlier
  • I cant go out to play soccer since the field near my house is closed!

Although some parents are angry with the government for doing this, it is only for our own good! I am also of ashamed of the handful of people who do not take any actions and continue their life as normal. But during this period of time, there’s nothing to complaint of because we just have to believe in ourselves as there is no one to accuse of since all of us are fighting the corona virus to stop it by staying at home and wearing a mask if sick. We all have to be careful of our actions so that we do not get infected ourselves.

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How To Get Minecraft FOR FREE in 2020!



Since the many of us are stuck at home because of the Corona Virus, today in this blog post, I’m going to show you how you can get one of the worlds most popular game for free, Minecraft! Because of COVID-19, many of us wont be able to afford Minecraft that costs around $20 to $30!


  • Click here for the link
  • Ensure that you have Java 8 installed, if you don’t have it, Click here
  • After installing Mineshafter, click on the application and if they ask for a Email and Password, Just type in a user name you want and something random for the password eg: fasq1321
  • After logging in, click on the play button and your done!


Mineshafter is a replica of Minecraft that is availabe for free!

If you want a video tutorial click here!

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