
Last year during December, a city in China, Wuhan started reporting the world with cases of an unknown virus. Many people are saying that it has originated in a wet market at Wuhan. Because of this virus, many countries in the world has been on lockdown, because of this, many people are living off from paycheck to paycheck. This virus has impacted the whole world, by already infecting 3 million people with 1/4 of a million people dead. The top 3 countries that are infected are:

  • United States(1 million cases++)
  • Spain ( 213 thousand cases++)
  • Italy (202 thousand cases ++)

Although there are many places that have been infected.

During this period of time, one benefit that has happened is the decrease of pollution and because of that, people living in China can now look at the blue skies after a long time! Argentina, a country opposite China on the globe, has not been hit hard with the virus with only 4,272 cases++ over there!

People like me who is “married” to soccer since I like the game so much, cannot go out and play because the fields are closed and because of this, I am stuck at home passing he ball to the wall and doing some indoor exercises! But since I also like to play video games, people who like to play are taking advantage of their free time to play their favorite video game!

In Singapore, The Government is also pleased with us fellow Singaporeans who try to stay at home as long as possible! We cannot be proud with what we have accomplished in getting rid of the virus as the virus is still popular with the world. Right now we cannot repent of our wrongdoings but instead let’s all rejoice and stay at home to kill the virus until we are satisfied with the end results!

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