3 Of The Fastest Ways To Level Up in Minecraft

If you have ever played on a Minecraft survival world, I’m sure that you have encountered one of the most annoying problems while trying to get the best gear available-Not having enough levels. In this post, you will finally be able to get past this problem and get the best gear!

The first way  to get massive amounts of experience is by breeding animals. The process is quite simple. To start, just build a simple pen using fences and gates. Then bring in 2 animals using leads or by holding a piece of their food.

  • Sheep-Wheat
  • Cows-Wheat
  • Pigs-Carrot, Potatoes, Beetroots
  • Chicken-Seeds

animal farm : Minecraft

Once the animals are in the pen, breed them using the food that they eat and then you will get the XP. At first, progress will be slow, but once you breed the animals regularly, the amount of XP will increase.

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The next way is by trading with villagers. If you are close to a village, then I suggest that you start a wheat farm and then trade to farmers for a profit. If you are really in great need in levels or just need that one level to get a level 30 enchant, then I suggest that you use any bones laying around in a chest, craft it into bone meal and speed up the process. At the same time, when you trade with the villagers apart from getting experience, you can also get a lot of emeralds!

And this... is why you build an Enderman XP Farm : Minecraft

The last and quickest way to gain XP is by building an ender men farm. Of course this means that you will need to beat the ender dragon first, but the amount of XP you get from this farm is by far more than any other method. To build it, you can refer to this video by BlendsCraftYT!

I hope that you have enjoyed this post


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