Hello fellow reader today, I am going to talk about my exam marks. So fist up is Math. For Math I got 74 out of 80 and this is my highest paper. I got Q3 and Q36 wrong. These two question is 6 marks of silliness. I also got fifth place for class. The highest in class is Ilhan who got 77 out of 80, second is Matthew he got 76 out of 80, third is Lucas he got 75 and a half out of 80. When I found out that I got 74 out of 80 I was over the moon, shocked and impressed at the same time. Now it is answer time for answers. Question 3 : Which one of the following fractions is greater than 3 over 4. The answer is 5 over 6 instead of 7 over 12. Question 36 which is in section c : The figure below is made up of 5 identical squares. The length of one rectangle is 20cm. Find the perimeter of the figure. The solution of the question is first is 20 divided by 4 =5 . Than 40 x 2 = 80 80 +10 = 90 instead of 20 x 8=160. Otherwise I got every thing correct.
Month: October 2016

Oh No!
Last Sunday My brother broke both his shin bones while playing soccer. So now he can’t walk. It happened when someone was going to shoot but he quickly blocked the shot ate the person accidentally shot his leg instead of the ball. Luckily, he didn’t try to stand up or something even worse could happen. I did not see what happened as I was defending. So here is a photo with him in the temporary cast last week because today he has a better and harder cast.This photo was taken at KK hospital.
everyone who knows about this is so sad because he can not move a little bit except for his toes and the non injured parts.What he can not do walk or run, any sports, and other feet related activities. He will get healed in 2 or 3 months. If he wants to move he has to go on a wheel chair or we must carry him. The Doctor also said that he can’t have crutches. But, one day when my friend came over he brought his crutches and the crutches was good for him but, we had to follow the doctors rules : no crutches.
So today on 23/10/16 He got his new cast and the colour is green because he is a kid he could choose colours like green, blue, red and other colours. What I don’t like about his is that he can watch T.V. or play phone the whole day and ”not fair he does not have to go school”says my friends and me. Since Today is a holiday He played the phone or used the computer for at least 2 hours already.
I hope he gets healed faster. Here is a photo of his tibia and fibula :
Did you know that the tibia is the longer bone and the fibula is the shorter bone. Please come next time for more.
Plant science and my garden
Today I going to write about science again, but on a different topic. It is on my plant science, my garden and the ecosystem it has.
Today, amongst the plants and other insects in the garden, like ants which are very common, I saw 3 centipedes, 1 snail, 2 cocoons and 2 caterpillars. I touched the snail and caterpillar. My father has warned me that some caterpillars can sting humans. I did a research online and found this website (https://alizul2.blogspot.sg/2012/12/14-beautiful-but-dangerous-caterpillars.html) about caterpillars in Singapore and US that can harm humans. One of the caterpillars we saw was a bit hairy. My brother touched everything except the centipede. I saw that one of the cocoons had a hole and was opened. The pupae inside it had already became into a butterfly. My brother and I were so impressed.
My brother has 3 plants which he had planted some months ago. One is a lemon grass plant, the other is a ginger plant and the last one is a lemon plant. He planted the lemon grass and lemon plants at home while the ginger plant was planted during a school activity. Here is a photo of his lemon plant.
Plants are living things because they can grow and respond to changes. There are 2 types of plants and they are the flowering and non-flowering plants. Green leaves in plants photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is like a system for plants which helps it make food and produce oxygen. Plants use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce sugar and oxygen. Did you know this is how plants give us oxygen and food.
Plants are also living things because they can reproduce. Plants reproduce by their spores or seeds which are sometimes located in the fruits we eat. Spores come from non flowering plants while seeds are found in some flowering plants. Ferns and mushrooms are examples of plants that reproduce by spores. Mushrooms are also fungi. I will write more about fungi in another blog post. Look out for it.
Why some people are left-handed

Me doing my math homework left-handed
This is me. Did you know I am a left-handed person? This photo was taken while I was doing my math school homework. Most people do not even realised what handedness means because it does not affect them. Today I decided to do a blog post on me being left-handed because every time I write, I wonder why are most of us right-handed. I thought that we, being left-handed, are different, so I asked my parents and they said that I am not different I am just unique. I found out that, in my house, my brother, grandfather and I are left-handed. In my family, 6 family members are left handed. I am not sure how many of my classmates are left-handed but I have a friend, Joshua, who can write with both his left and right hand. Maybe, he can do his composition twice as fast. Ha ha. To catch up with him, I would need to practice to write more quickly while being neat. Sometimes, I wish I could be right handed like others.
I decided to do some research on why I am left handed and I found out that approximately 10% of the world population is left handed. That is around 600,000,000 people. OMG! I also found out that some people are left handed because of either genes or because one side of our brain controls the muscles of your hand to write. That means my friend’s brain is strong enough to help him write with both hands! 🙂 I also found out that Pelé, Maradona and Ian Rush are left-handed. I guess this also determines which leg you use to kick the ball.
I think whether left or right hand it is more important that everyone can get a chance to learn how to write. I hope that everyone gets a chance to study and learn.