The Hakimi Hifz Camp

today I am going to talk about the Hakimi Hifz Camp at Klang. It was from Thursday / 25 November to Friday / 9 December but I came on the next day. what we did is horse riding and rabbit feeding, Archery, swimming, living at a villa for 3 days 2 nights, learn arabic, do team building and surprise activity’s.What we do in the morning is do the tips of the day such as sharpen the saw which meant sharpen your brain, sole and body.You could just watch what we did at sorry because it is in arabic. We also got relics for doing good deeds.

what we do in all the days is learn arabic and learn how to organise  your day. When we go out we have to do the team building activity and the surprise activity together example when we went for the 3 days 2 nights stay we ha to to the team building by looking after each other. and for the surprise activity we can go to the hot spring and swimming pool.Now I will talk about the breakfast they gave in Klang. In Klang they gave egg or cereal. and for lunch we had nasi lemak and much more other malay food. During the camp 2 doctors came to teach us about first aid and I also had a fever.

Now I will talk about the ending as well as the 3 day 2 night stay. first I will talk about the 3 day 2 night stay. It was at Felda residents hot springs/ Ipoh. we left at 11 a.m. and reached at 1 p.m. and we ate lunch there and the food there was also malay food. so, after we ate we went to our houses some went to the green house with no jacuzzi but the green house has insects on their wall or selling. The villa had the jacuzzi and after the 3day 2night stay we came back and rested for the whole day. On the last day for surprise activity we made a D.I.Y  shelf and bookshelf.


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