School Of Dragons is based on the movie How To Train Your Dragons 1&2. This game was created by Dream works 2017 and Jump Start. If you get interested in this game you can download this on the website for Mac and PC. But for android it is on the google play store while on ios it is on the App store! This game Actually started in 2013 and now I currently own 1 night fury, 2 gronckles, 1 groncickle, 1 Deadly nadder and 1 Flightmare
First I will tell you the Dragon trainers:
- Hiccup
- Astrid
- Fishlegs
- Snotlout
- Ruffnut
- Tuffnut
- Dagger
These are the main dragon trainers. Now I will tell you the Head(leaders) Characters:
- Heather
- Valka
- Gobber
- Archoligit
- Phelgma
- Archaeologist
- Headmaster
These are all the head characters. Before I go on to the dragons I will first tell you the dragon riders relationship with their dragons:
- Astrid with Sormmfly(Deadly Nadder)
- Fishlegs with Meatlug(Gronckle)
- Ruff and Tuff with Barf and Belch(Hideous Zippleback)
- Hiccup with Toothless(Night Fury)
- Snotlout with Hookfang(Monstrous Nightmare)
Lastly I will tell you a few of the dragons:
- Skrill
- Terrible Terrors
- Gronckle
- Groncickle
- Night Fury
- Deadly Nadder
- Whispering Death
- Storm Cutter
These are a few of them which I know. Did you know that you can only use the night fury if you have membership and you can also do quest or stable quests to get some dragons like the groncickle.
Now I will tell you the stages of the dragons. First if you hatch a dragon, it will be just a baby until it is level 5 that is hen you could go to the hatchery and make it into a teen but if you have an adult age up you could use it and that will be the final stage of some dragons like the Night Fury (unless you get a 6-12 month membership than you will get the titan stage of an Night Fury an alpha) But some other dragons have an stage called the titan stage this is for dragons like the Skrill. the titan stage of a dragon will increase the stamina of it and help it get broader wings. Did you know that you will get 2 free dragons at the start of your game!
Lastly, I will tell you all the places expansion packs and how to move. First I will tell you the expansion packs:
- Ice Storm Island
- Return to dragons island
- Call of the death song
- Battle for the edge
- Secret of the leviathan
- Rise of Stormheart
These are are all the expansion packs there are right now. Now I will tell you the different island/land:
- Berk
- Berk Docks
- Stomheat Island
- Dragon Island
- Melody Island
- The Lookout
- Training grounds
- School of dragons
- Outpost Island(Dragons Edge)
- The Wilderness
- Ship graveyard
- Helhiems Gate
- Titan Island
- Auction Island
- Darkdeep
- Armorwing Island
- Zippleback Island
- Glacier Island
- Scuttleclaw Island
- Mudraker Island
These are all the lands in school of dragons. Lastly I will tell you how to play the game:
- W=move Forward
- A=move Left
- S=move Back
- D=move right
- Spacebar=Jump
Now for Dragons.
- F=Fire
- Shift=Stop
- Double Spacebar= Fly
Thank you for reading this post and I hope you read more like Sport cars
Good Bye!