5 Tips To Win More Battles in Clash Royale

Clash Royale

Clash Royale is a multiplayer game a bit similar to Clash of Clans made by Supercell. The both the developer and publisher are Supercell. The game came out on the stores of Google Play and App Store on the 4th January 2016 and has raised over a billion dollars in less than a year! The game is about placing your cards down and trying to defeat the opponent and break their king tower. But you also have to defend yourself while attacking.

The 5 tips to win more in Clash Royale is:

  1. Wait for your elixir to go up to 10 and then defend what the opponent will keep to try to attack you. ( Once you have full elixir you can most keep anything)
  2. Keep a stronger person before you keep a weaker person like mini pekka(Giant then Prince)
  3. Use Combo’s(Prince Mini P.E.K.K.A)
  4. Do not attack the king tower first because then the opponent will have one more tower to help him defend.
  5. Do not drop people on near the bridge as then it will be harder to use combos

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