Is Apex Legends Going To Beat Fortnite?

Apex Legends:

Apex Legends is a Free to Play Battle Royale game that has been recently released on the 4th February 2019. The game is something like Playersunknown Battlegrounds and Fortnite mixed together. The game was developed by Respawn Entertainment and was published by Electronic Arts. You can download the game on origin at : . The game is runs well on my computer and my resolution is 1920×1080 and in Fortnite my resolution is 1080×768!

The real question is : Is Apex Legends Going To Beat Fortnite?

  • Take Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 as an example, when it came out many people were saying that it was going to beat Fortnite. But after a few weeks of its release, Fortnite became number 1 again! So it might not die off that quickly.

So the answer to that question is not in a long time!

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Axiom Verge

Axiom Verge

Have you played Mario and do you remember playing it? Well Axiom Verge is a Metroidvania game developed and also published by Thomas Happ Games LLC. Did you know that Super Mario bros is also a Metroidvania game? The game is rated 9/10 on Steam and it costs $20 but if you on Epic Games it is free from now to February 21 and on that day a new game is coming out. So if you like playing games, I suggest that you download epic games and get a game free every 2 weeks!

Release dates:

  • April 2015 for the PlayStation 4
  • May 2015 for PC, OS X and Linux
  • April 2016 for PlayStation Vita
  • October 2017 for the Nintendo Switch

The Aim of The Game:

You are a failed scientist who dies by accident and then wakes up mysteriously on an alien world. In this game you have to kill the different monsters and also gain different abilities so that you complete the game. (I am not so sure of the ending as I haven’t completed the game yet. When I do I will update this blog post!)

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Plants Vs Zombies!

Plants Vs Zombies

When I was 7, my dad bought me an apple Mac Book. A few months later, he bought Plants Vs Zombies on it for me to play! Since then I used to play it until I finished it several times. When I needed help my mother would help me because she also liked the game. After a few months my family and I went to Egypt I ate my dads brains to download Plants Vs Zombies 2 on his phone. After finishing the second game I got bored of it and started playing other games that my cousin told me about. During the holidays my dad brought home an iPad 3rd Generation for my family to use. So then I downloaded both Plants vs Zombies 1 and 2 on it.

Plants vs Zombies has five different versions:

  • Plants Vs Zombies
  • Plants Vs Zombies 2
  • Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
  • Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
  • Plants Vs Zombies Heroes

But this post is for Plants Vs Zombies.

Plants Vs Zombies is video game that was made and also published by Pop Cap until Electronic Arts took over. In this game you have to defend your owner by placing plants down so the you can kill the zombies with them. You also have to collect sun so that you can place the plants down!

Plants Vs Zombies is available on:


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