Getting My Pet Budgies!



OK, just to get things straight, I am sorry for not writing for the past 6 months.

On the December 5th last year, my parents decided to let me get 6 pet birds!( From my introduction post, I have always been wanting to own a pet bird!)

The parrot species that my parents have gotten for me are budgies!. My parents have gotten me 6 of them, 4 of which are yellow and 2 of which are green. After my birds got used to the cage, slowly I started to put toys for the, and since it was the end of of year school holidays, I had a lot of time to watch them! When I put the first toy( which was bells), one of my budgies that I named Banana immediately started playing with it, he will hold one of the bells with his legs and make it bang on the other bells!

I have named my budgies:

  • Kiwi
  • Banana
  • Cleopath
  • Maxster
  • Peru

One of the 6 budgies escaped a few hours after we got it! Ever since that incident, I have always been keeping a close eye on all of my birds and I can tell that none of them are interested in escaping! Sparrows and Doves also fly to our house to talk with them!

 Thank you for reading this Post!



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