The various different types of blog industries
In the world, there are many different types of job industries, to name a few. Agriculture, architecture and arts are just some of the many different jobĀ sectors out there. Today, I am just going to be writing about the top 5 job industries right now
1. Restaurants and food services
This is by far on of the largest job industry right now. Mostly everywhere you go now a days, you would always see the familiar logos of your favorite fast food restaurant. To name a few, there is MacDonalds, BurgerKing, Kentucky Fried Chicken and the list goes on. These are all under the restaurant and food services industry.
2. Media
Media along side restaurants and food services is one of the many large job sectors. Nearly every country has its own channel where daily news is being streamed live every day at a certain time. Media also includes the jobs of journalism where journalists gather news for newspapers and/or the daily news
3. Manufacturing
On the number 3 spot there is Manufacturing. This refers to the making of goods which is then sold by the business to the customer. One example is Nutella. Ferrero(The brand that makes Nutella) manufactures thousands of bottles of Nutella which is then sold to supermarkets. Where we buy them from!
4. Construction, Repair and Maintenance
Every time we go outside, we always see many buildings. These buildings that are made are all under construction, repair and maintenance. Every once in a while, an Inspector comes and inspects the building to see if there is anything that is needed to be repaired such as a faulty switch or a clogged toilet!
5. Health care
Lastly there is health care. To me, health care is considered one of the largest industry because there are many public and private hospitals, clinics and pharmacies all over the globe! In every city there is at least one pharmacy and maybe a clinic and a hospital as well! This industry is really essential in every city. This is because if some got sick or is suffering a heart attack, without a clinic or hospital, there is no way to help that person unless if they travel a long distance to get to the hospital which could be hundreds of kilometers away!