The main thing that the Japanese encouraged during the Japanese Occupation is “Asia for Asians”- A Japanese slogan. They did it in 3 ways :
- By Dispelling the Myth of the White Man’s Superiority. -After the British Surrender, the Japanese interned the Australians, British and the Europeans at Sime Road Camp, Selarang Barracks and at Changi Prison. They ordered the Prisoners-of-War to do menial tasks such as repairing and cleaning dock facilities, water works and airfields. They were also given little food which made most of the Prisoner-of-War’s, malnourished. Seeing this, it changed the minds of the locals.
- Cultivation of Asian Consciousness – Students had to learn Japanese ( Nippon-Go ) in schools. They also had to sing the Japanese National Anthem ( Kimigayo ) during the morning assembly. They also had to take part in activities such as gardening and cleaning which promoted Asian values such as hard work and humility.
- Attempts to Win Local Support
-The Japanese won the locals support through movies, books, newspapers and radio broadcasts which promoted the Japanese is friendly and trustworthy.
– They also introduced policies that aimed to win the support of different communities. For example, the Malays and Indians were treated better compared to the Chinese and Europeans who were treated badly.