- A blessing in disguise. It means something that is bad but turns out good in the future.
- A dime a dozen. It means that something is very common.
- Call it a day. It means to stop working on something.
History : Did Singapore attain self-governance effortlessly?
During 1955, limited self-governance was attained.
The year after, March 1956, Labor Front government organized Merdeka (Independence and freedom) Week campaign. The First talks held in London was during April and May that year. The second Merdeka Talks held in London was during March the following year.
During 1957, partial internal self-governance was secured.
During early 1959, election rallies were held be the different parties. Finally, ln the 30th of May , 1959, General Election was help to elect people to form the new government
History : What were the people’s aspirations after 1945?
After 1945, people had aspirations for Singapore. There were 2 main aspirations :
- Firstly, there were people that trusted the British and believed that constitutional changes will develop Singapore politically
This refers to the Political Parties such as Singapore Progressive Party, Labor Front and People’s Action Party. All 3 of these Political parties wanted independence by working with the British to increase control over the government. - Then there were people that did not trust the British and believed that the constitutional changes will not develop Singapore politically
This refers to the Chinese Middle School Students and Trade Unions
3 Tips to Improve on Chinese
Chinese is a tough language to learn, I know this as I am also learning Chinese in school! Here are 3 tips that I found out to help me increase my grades in Chinese!
1. Read Chinese Books
Reading Chinese books will not only help you to increase your vocabulary but it would also help you increase your oral skills! You do not need to start with books that are recommended for your grade. Instead, you can even start off with some pre-school books as it would help to build your foundation
2. Watch Chinese Shows
Watching Chinese shows would help you in learning the pronunciation of the words and also increase your vocabulary! Just go on to YouTube and find some Chinese shows! One great show is 大耳朵图图. It is a kids show about a child with big ears!
3. Speak
There is a high chance that you have visited a shop at least once a week with Chinese speaking people! Instead of keeping quiet, be confident and speak Chinese to the person!
Literature : List of Literary Devices.
- Imagery
Imagery helps the reader to better visualise the picture the poet or writer wants us to see. There are 6 main forms of imagery and the sense it appeals to :
-Visual — Sight — Anything that makes the image in your mind more vivid
-Auditory — Hearing — Specific Sounds
-Olfactory — Smell — Anything which describes a particular smell
-Tactile — Touch — Anything that appeals to the sense of touch
-Gustatory — Taste –Anything which describes a taste
-Kinesthetic — Movement or Action — Anything which deals with movement or an action of an object, person or animal - Simile
Similes are used to emphasise the qualities of something by comparing it to something else. It adds depth which makes the meaning become clearer and more effective. - Metaphor
Metaphors are something like similes as they also are used to emphasise the qualities of something by comparing it to something else. It also adds depth which makes the meaning become clearer and more effective. - Personification
Personification helps readers to better relate to non-human subjects by giving them human qualities. This literary device also affects the atmosphere of the text - Hyperbole
Hyperboles are used to emphasise an idea or add humor and a comedic effect - Symbolism
It provides a deeper and more significant meaning beyond the literal meaning - Juxtaposition
It highlights the differences in the objects being compared and emphasise the contrast - Irony
It means to play on the reader’s expectations to emphasise a point.
Literature : “Identity” by Latha ( What it is about )
“Identity” by Latha is a short story about an Indian wife who feels that she doesn’t belong in her family. The family is really demanding and selfish. For example, the wife has the life of the maid as she has to meet everyone’s demands and has not much time for herself. Her own time is usually broken with the disturbance of her children or the house work. Even when her husband tells her to employ a maid, she does not receive any help from her husband.
History : Why did the British Implement Constitutional Changes in Singapore?
History : Did the Japanese Occupation Change the Way People Viewed Singapore?
After USA dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6th and 9th August 1945, the Japanese surrendered and the British returned to Singapore.
When the British returned to Singapore, the British Military Administration ( BMA ) governed Singapore. BMA tried to resolve societal problems but there was a lack of funds and resources. BMA cleared SG Harbor so that essential items could be brought into Singapore. Food rationing still had to continue. Schools were also reopened and by March 1946, 62 000 children were back in school.
BMA was also referred to as the Black Market Administration as some BMA officials took part in Black Market Activities.
The locals also had demands after the British returned.
Here are some of the demands :
- Demand for Citizenship
The Chinse chamber of Commerce wanted the British to grant citizenship to all China-born immigrants over the age of 21 years of age. - Demand for Better Treatment of Local Civil Servants
In 1948, the British started recruiting more locals into civil service as many of the British who had been interned during the Japanese Occupation were sent back to Britain to recover. British official continued enjoying better pay and in 1952, BMA decided to pay special family allowances to British Officials. - Demand for Political Involvement
After the Japanese occupation, political groups emerged however, many were still concerned with rebuilding their lives compared to politics
History : Did The Japanese Occupation Benefit Singapore?
The main thing that the Japanese encouraged during the Japanese Occupation is “Asia for Asians”- A Japanese slogan. They did it in 3 ways :
- By Dispelling the Myth of the White Man’s Superiority. -After the British Surrender, the Japanese interned the Australians, British and the Europeans at Sime Road Camp, Selarang Barracks and at Changi Prison. They ordered the Prisoners-of-War to do menial tasks such as repairing and cleaning dock facilities, water works and airfields. They were also given little food which made most of the Prisoner-of-War’s, malnourished. Seeing this, it changed the minds of the locals.
- Cultivation of Asian Consciousness – Students had to learn Japanese ( Nippon-Go ) in schools. They also had to sing the Japanese National Anthem ( Kimigayo ) during the morning assembly. They also had to take part in activities such as gardening and cleaning which promoted Asian values such as hard work and humility.
- Attempts to Win Local Support
-The Japanese won the locals support through movies, books, newspapers and radio broadcasts which promoted the Japanese is friendly and trustworthy.
– They also introduced policies that aimed to win the support of different communities. For example, the Malays and Indians were treated better compared to the Chinese and Europeans who were treated badly.
Literature : Chinese Workers on the Evening Train
Chinese Workers on the Evening train is a poem written by Theopilus Kwek.
Here is the poem,
their tongues are rough, but fluent. they carve
our silence into syllables that explore the crowd,
fingers scouring thick curls in search of roots.
there is a disquiet at this intrusion, leave us alone.
our lips say, we are pressed and drained
by the office, you are from a different world.
but they stay, and continue speaking, voices raucous
and very dusty, the safety patches on their vests
ring loudly against our suits.
we have learnt your words before, our lips open
in protest. we have no time for them now,
they are so full of bad memories.
still they take no notice, even joking among them
selves. some of us turn to look, but dare
not stare too long. they are an island in our sea.
Through the poem, the post is expressing how annoyed the locals are with the foreign workers. He also expresses some difference between the foreign workers and the locals.
For example, he shows the differences through the line ”you are from a different world”. The words “different world” creates an image of the office which the locals work in a different world compared to the foreign workers working environment. It also refers to the foreign workers country being different compared to to locals country. It emphasises the distinction and status where the locals are superior. This also suggests the locals disgust in their presence.
The poet also shows the speakers loneliness of the foreign workers through the line “fingers scouring thick curls in search of roots”. It shows how the foreign workers are searching for family members and friends in the country. They seem to have no roots, and no sense of belonging in the country even though they are constantly searching.
Finally, he expresses the locals being annoyed with the foreign workers through the line “they carve our silence”. The locals are annoyed with how loud the foreign workers talk. They get even more annoyed as they have finished a day of work and just want some peace and quite. Again, this suggests that the locals feel that the foreign workers are an intrusion into their lives.